Macmillan Education has been advancing learning for over 175 years. Since the earliest days we have established ourselves as a world leading publisher, building strong partnerships with educational institutions, innovating in pedagogy and digital content, and help educators to instill 21st century skills among learners. In classrooms around the world we know how transformative learning education can be, and we are passionate about providing students and their teachers with everything they need to succeed in education, in the workplace, and in life
Macmillan has been known for working closely with the teachers to understand the issues of concern in their professional lives and offering all possible support to address those concerns. Many teachers tend to feel that they are functioning alone as they do not get too many opportunities to meet with teachers from the other schools or from the different parts of the country. Our webinars offer a forum for teachers from different geographies to meet on a virtual platform and share their ideas and discuss the issues causing them anxiety.
Workshops organized by Macmillan bring great relief to teachers who otherwise find it difficult to access information on the changes introduced by the boards of examination from time to time. With the innumerable responsibilities that teachers have, they welcome teacher support provided by Macmillan in the form of information, teaching resources like lesson plans, question banks, academic articles to upgrade their professional skills etc. Macmillan’s core activity of publishing thus gets elevated to the next level as it is shaped by practicing teachers’ inputs blending with the innovative ideas of an experienced team of editors. As a votary of progressive educational philosophies, Macmillan Education regularly explores new avenues for instruction and learning by engaging with teachers in a variety of settings:
Through skill enhancement workshops
By soliciting their inputs on published material (book reviews)
By encouraging authorship of educational material
The modern classroom is full of challenges. Educators must be empowered and supported so they can create positive learning environments. Decades of experience in teacher training has made it easy for Macmillan Training Services to provide consultancy and mentoring services for schools, both in methodology and language.

World Class Maths: Asian Teaching Methods
Asian students are often known for their exceptional command over mathematics and sciences. This course gives you an overview of the various teaching methods in Asia for primary mathematics. Apply these techniques to accelerate your learning.
Duration: 4 weeks
Time: 3 hours per week
Included in Unlimited

World Class Maths: Asian Teaching Practice
Inspired by successful Asian teaching methods for mathematics, this course offers key insights on developing effective lesson plans for teaching mathematics. Leverage the proven techniques of Asian teaching methods for advanced teaching.
Duration: 4 weeks
Time: 3 hours per week.
Included in Unlimited
Macmillan Education is committed to supporting the community of Educators, Learners and Parents. Educators are enabled to perform at their best, with the support of online courses, workshops and more, conducted by Macmillan experts. It is for these very reasons that they love and respect brand Macmillan. When asked about their reasons for trusting Macmillan, the educators spoke of ‘I cannot go wrong with Macmillan, I know they will stand by me.’ and ‘I studied from Fun with Grammar and now I feel proud to be teaching with it’

Changing the Conversation in Education
A cutting edge resource for innovative practices, a place where inspiring stories are told and an easy way to stay up-to-date on the latest trends in education, industry and policy.These blogs provide an abundance of information and insights into teaching, useful resources, and tips for effective teaching- learning in classrooms.
To learn more about Macmillan Training Services courses, eBooks, Workshops and aspects such as Learning Partner course registration, email us at