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Macmillan Hop Skip and Jump – Complete Learning Kits for Nursery, KG, Class 1 & Class 2

A Complete Learning Kit for Early Childhood Education Early childhood education plays a crucial role in shaping a child’s cognitive, social, and emotional development. To support this foundational stage, Macmillan Education has designed the Hop Skip and Jump (Revised) series, …

Mastering ICSE Class 10: Study Tips and Strategies for Success

TLDR: Preparing for ICSE Class 10? Focus on strategic planning, regular revision, and solving past papers to ace your exams. Learn from toppers and use quality study resources. The ICSE Class 10 board exams are a pivotal moment for students …

Mastering ISC English: Key Tips for Scoring High in Literature and Language

The ISC English exam is a critical component of the Indian School Certificate (ISC) curriculum, testing students' understanding of literature, command of language, and ability to express ideas effectively. Scoring high in ISC English requires a balanced approach to studying …

8 Mental Health Tips for Students: Creating a Caring Classroom

In recent years, mental health has become a crucial topic within the education sector. In India, it’s especially concerning as student mental health issues are on the rise. According to a study by the National Institute of Mental Health and …

10 Tips and Tricks on Time Management: CAIIB Exam Day Survival Guide

Preparing for the CAIIB (Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers) exam can be intense, but having a solid strategy for exam day can make a significant difference. TIME MANAGEMENT Managing your time effectively during the CAIIB exam is crucial …

10 Tools of Building Skills Through Play

In today’s fast-paced, digital-driven world, the traditional methods of education are increasingly being challenged. Students are growing up surrounded by technology, which has dramatically influenced their learning preferences and capabilities. This shift has given rise to a powerful educational strategy …

Top 5 Common Mistakes to Avoid During IIBF Exam Preparation

Preparing for the Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (IIBF) exams, such as JAIIB and CAIIB, can be a demanding task. These certifications are highly respected in the banking sector, and success can lead to significant career advancements. However, many …

Tips to Score high in ICSE & ISC 2024

How to Prepare for ICSE, ISC Board Exams 2024: Quick Prep Tips to Score Above 90 Percent As the ICSE and ISC Board Exams 2024 approach, students across the country are gearing up for one of the most critical phases …

What is IIBF Treasury Management?

The objective of treasury management is to ensure that an organization’s short- and long-term goals are achieved. Treasury management provides a means for an organization to effectively manage its liquidity, minimize risk exposure, and maximize the efficient use of resources. …

Career beyond JAIIB and CAIIB with IIBF Certification Courses

In the ever-evolving landscape of finance and banking, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for career advancement. While certifications like JAIIB (Junior Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers) and CAIIB (Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers) have long …

IIBF Certification: Elevating Business Correspondent Skills in Today’s Banking World

In the ever-evolving realm of banking, the significance of Business Correspondents (BCs) cannot be overstated. The Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (IIBF) stands as the hallmark for certifying Business Correspondents and Business Facilitators, providing a solid foundation of essential …

How to cultivate a Positive Learning Environment in Classroom

In every classroom, diversity thrives as each child carries a unique set of experiences that have molded them into who they are. While some children easily embrace the adventure of school life, others may find it to be a challenging …

Nurturing Confident Communication: A Guide to Integrating Socio-Emotional Learning in Education

“What the educator does in teaching is to make it possible for the students to become themselves.” Paulo Freire Socio-Emotional Learning (SEL) is increasingly recognized as essential for effective communication and language learning. However, many educators find the integration of …

Unlocking Literacy Skills: A Comprehensive Guide for Lifelong Learning (2024)

In this blog, we will embark on a journey into the realm of literacy, exploring the intricacies of developing foundational skills crucial for a lifetime of successful learning. Delving into the significance of literacy, we aim to understand the building …

The Imperative for Teachers to Master Foundational Numeracy

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the significance of foundational numeracy skills cannot be overstated. For teachers, possessing a robust understanding of these fundamental mathematical concepts is not just beneficial—it’s imperative. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the reasons …

Transforming Education in India: Unveiling the National Curriculum Framework 2023

On the 23rd of August, a remarkable event unfolded in India, one that promises to reshape the landscape of education across the nation. The launch of the National Curriculum Framework 2023 (NCF 2023) represents a visionary leap toward a brighter …

National Curriculum Framework (NCF): Shaping Education for a Bright Future

Introduction: Education is the cornerstone of a progressive society, and the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) plays a pivotal role in shaping the educational landscape of a nation. Developed by the Ministry of Education, the NCF provides a comprehensive framework that …

10 Important Things to Know About IIBF Exam: Tips for Banking Professionals

Banking is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world, and with it, there is an increasing demand for qualified banking professionals. One way to demonstrate your knowledge and proficiency in this field is by taking the Indian Institute of …

ELT and ETT: Emerging Trends in English Language Teaching and Teacher Training in India

English language training (ELT) has become an integral part of education in India, given the importance of English as a global language of communication. English proficiency is considered a key skill for employability, especially in the technology and business sectors. …

Introduction to Contemporary Subjects in NEP 2020

NEP 2020 continues to take advantage of new technologies and contemporary subjects by making a concerted effort to integrate a diverse range of topics and skills into the curriculum. This is in contrast to previous curricular initiatives that sought to …

Effective Teacher CPD: Enabling Career-long Learning

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a combination of approaches, ideas and techniques that will help you manage your own learning and growth. CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development and is the term used to describe the learning activities professionals engage …

Why Art Integration is Important in Classroom Teaching?

  The arts are often relegated to the sidelines, but we’ve done a deep dive into why it’s important for teachers to integrate the arts and how art integration in school can have a life-changing impact on your children. The …

Developing fluency and comprehension skills in students through active learning

In today’s world, English is the most prominent language. According to a research conducted by the British Council, 4 out of 5 people speak English in their daily lives. More than this, it is estimated that by 2050, more than …

Encouraging students to Ponder, Imagine and Think

    “One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvellous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery each day.” …

India’s National Educational Policy Holds Promise

India’s National Education Policy, opportunity for students to pick any combination of subjects. NEP 2020 highlights, timeline and key-takeaway for educators.

What is the best teaching method for Teaching English?

According to academic research, linguists have stated that there is not one single best method for everyone in all contexts and that no one teaching method is inherently superior to the others. Also, it is not always possible – or …

8 Teaching Strategies Every English Language Teacher Should Know: A Checklist

Teachers can be notoriously hard to please sometimes and their methods are just as often too. But there is one thing that almost all teachers agree on when it comes to teaching a language: there is no set formula for …

10 Useful online resources that every ELT teachers should bookmark

ELT (English Language Teaching) teachers can find themselves spending a lot of time online looking for resources to help them with their teaching. The good thing is that there are many helpful websites and blogs that have been created by …

8 Ways for Increasing Student Engagement in Online Courses

Teaching online is a whole different ball game from teaching in person, and it can be difficult to engage students who are not physically present. The term ‘student engagement’ refers in general terms to the effort and commitment that students …

NEP 2020 And Critical Thinking: A Desired Attribute For Teachers

While teachers are generally seen as the facilitators of knowledge and quality in schools, teachers are often undervalued for their abilities to think critically about difficult topics and foster creative thinking. In this article, you’ll learn how the National Education …

The Importance Of Vocational Training For Career Development

Vocational Education is based on occupation and employment and it is the need of the hour for every country to have a strong vocational education system. It can be defined as skilled-based education. Vocational Education helps in Economic growth.  Vocational Education Training …

National Benchmarking Assessment | Online diagnostic assessments for classes 3 to 8

National Benchmarking Assessment is a series of online diagnostic assessments for classes 3 to 8. These assessments will spur your child’s learning journey by identifying their areas of weakness and strength. For example, once the assessment is complete, you will …

Introducing a Digital Learning Solution for Professionals and Students

Gone are the days when learning was restricted to the classroom, with the instructor being the primary source of knowledge. Digital technology has unshackled learning, providing learners a wealth of opportunities to learn what they want to learn, how they …

Role of entrance examinations in academic autonomy of higher educational institutions

Role of entrance examinations in academic autonomy of higher educational institutions by Aditya Mittal Professor, IIT Delhi Mentor, Macmillan Education India Any discussion on premier institutions of higher education in India does not escape a mention of their respective entrance …

I would do better if my English communication was stronger

‘I would do better if my English communication was stronger!’ – so all students, job seekers and working professionals believe. The result of a global survey undertaken by EF Education First, suggest that out of a total of 54 countries …

The artistry of communication in teaching-learning

One of the important pre-conditions for an individual to grow into a healthy personality is the interdependence upon social webs within which one operates. The life and soul of social interaction is communication. Communication is largely a means for breaking …

Now, you can learn English with Amazon Alexa

This new skill can be accessed on all Amazon Echo smart speakers, Echo Show smart displays, Alexa mic on Amazon shopping on their Android smartphones, or Alexa app on smartphones. Amazon’s virtual assistant Alexa is capable of doing many things. …

Hybrid learning in the new decade

Much of the energy that drives the global economy in the 21st Century will be brain power generated in the classroom. Wherever we live and whatever we do, we all have a personal stake in quality education. India, with a …

Project-based learning: a possible path towards controlling “educonomic” inflation

On one hand, the currently persistent Covid-19 pandemic has revealed the fragile nature of human life in spite of all the technological advances. On the other, challenges thrown up by the pandemic have also highlighted the resolve of humanity to …

Sustainable solutions for the evolving K-12 landscape

Disruptions were earlier looked upon as disturbances and had a negative connotation attached to them. However, in current times, where we are a part of the industrial revolution 4.0, disruption is here to stay and has gained new meaning. Disruptions …

Developing Learner Autonomy in K-12 Classrooms

As learning is going hybrid, the value attached to ‘Learner Autonomy’ has risen, both for educators and learners. Learner autonomy has never before been more relevant than it is today. Building learner autonomy, will allow Rhea a 10-year-old to assume …

The Solitary Teacher

A thousand definitions, innumerable quotes, but what best describes leadership is a “situation and the response to it. “History is testimony to the fact that most trying times have seen leaders emerge out of them.” The year 2020 is witness …

The Mark of a True Leader

The unalloyed mark of a leader is the willingness and persistence to stick with a bold course of action. An unconventional panic mitigation strategy in an era of hyper-competition and nonstop disruption has been the need of the hour. Covid-19 …

Technology Aided Online Teaching

Introduction Man’s adaptability to adversity is amazing. In fact, calamities have always triggered man’s determination. It is no denying the fact that inopportune moments have more often than not led to innovation. The current unprecedented world scenario of COVID-19 is …

Teaching Leapfrogs from 19th to 21st Century

COVID19 pandemic has demonstrated that all teachers possess skills of the fourth industrial revolution – digital literacy, adaptability, lifelong learning and effective communication. Traditional classrooms seat at least forty uniform-clad students in rows on facing a blackboard. Classes change every …

Teaching Character Education

“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. Never has character education been so relevant as it …

Teaching ‘Life Economics’

Over the years, I have realised, that as a society, we focus on a single point agenda for our children: score high marks, get top grades. There is hardly a healthy dialogue with them which does not revolve around mark …

Teachers’ Role is Key for Success of National Education Policy 2020

The recently released National Education Policy (NEP) is to be implemented in phases beginning 2021. In the past decades, we have seen similar policy recommendations such as the Kothari Commission, many that are yet to be implemented. A critical review …

Teachers: At the Heart of Education

At the British Council, in an air-conditioned, quiet and orderly meeting room when we gather to discuss different aspects of the school programmes, the sound of the school bell, the chaos of the corridors, the lively smiling faces of students …

Teachers – New Learning, New Challenges

Online education has never been so popular among working professionals and students as it is now. The credit for its popularity goes to its’ flexibility of place and time. Successful institutions are those which adapt to changing times, as well …

Staying Connected

Growing up, we remember playing a ‘Telephone’ game with discarded match boxes. You took one box and your friend the other, and we pretended to have great conversations – one speaking and the other listening intently. Little did we realise …

Restructuring Education

The current pandemic has affected all sectors including education. In India only 22 % of the children are able to log on to remote or virtual schooling, for the majority of students, learning is sporadic, depending on availability of devices …

Resilience in Teaching-Learning

‘All progress happens in uncertain times.’- Ozan Varol, Law Professor, Author, Rocket ScientistMarch 2020 saw over a billion students across the world not in school. Teachers across the globe took up the mantle to ensure that their students coped up …

Preparing for School Leadership

Human being evolve, so must education, and educators. The pandemic has had an apocalyptic impact on education. As educators, we were quite literally thrown into the deep end without so much as a warning! Well, we not just learnt to …

Lockdown or Lockup?

The lockdown, has proved to be, more than anything else, a ‘lockup’ of the free spirit of young children and adolescents, who, till six months back, were oblivious of this term. Today the term lockdown has become an everyday word …

Focus on Holistic Education in NEP 2020

NEP 2020 has laid transformative ideas to reshape education. Teachers are central to the success of our education system. Four years Bachelors in Education has got the long-awaited recognition and so has the amount of teaching practice in class room …

Economics of Teaching

I believe that a teacher is a resource-a renewable, collaborative, growth-oriented skilled resource. Hence my header Economics of Teaching. To this I want to add capacity building? What does that mean? I think for an educator there are various capacities …

Developing Emotional Resilience to Thrive

To be emotionally resilient means to be able to ‘spring back’ into shape after going through difficult and stressful times in one’s life. Stressed people experience a flood of powerful negative emotions which may include anger, anxiety, and depression and …

Decoding NEP 2020-The Road Ahead

The National Education Policy 2020 unveiled by the Ministry of Education has been the focus of much attention, discussion and debate, and not without reason. Coming, as it does, three decades after the last NEP in 1984 and the first …

Building Adversity Quotient in Learners

The new normal has laid bare a confusing world, in which, a lot has changed, with social distancing norms and other restrictions in place. Learning is no longer constrained by physical barriers, it may be acquired anywhere, thanks to technology. …